Who can teach? ANYONE, even if they have never learned the Bible before. Learn as you tell.
Our "Storytelling Workbook" and Teacher Key is the quickest, easiest way to learn the whole storyline of the Bible.
Student Workbook
Teacher Key
Teacher Key
includes simple instructions for optional end of course “Celebration” and bracket for “Books of the Bible Tournament”
I had the privilege of teaching my 3rd and 5th grade children the curriculum “Teach the Bible ASAP” by Tammy Berkman. They truly gained an understanding of the whole story of the Bible and God’s redemptive story. I can not sing its praises enough! It was simple; easy to learn and teach; and interactive. Going through this thorough study, helped foster a biblical worldview. I have never seen anything like it. My children have scored exceptionally high on biblical knowledge tests over the years in school, and I attribute this to their overall understanding from their early years of foundational study with this curriculum.
Bridget Slyker
The “Learn the Whole Bible ASAP” curriculum was a so helpful for me to teach my energetic 5th and 6th grade boys Sunday School Class. Its simplicity and focus on interacting with the kids provided an environment that promoted learning and resulted in retention of the material.
Richard Slyker
When traveling to Nairobi, Kenya for my third year, I was eager to see my girls again and hold them in my arms. That year, I was interested in Elementary Education and I wanted to be apart of more of the school aspect this year. When Mrs.Tammy gave me the opportunity to teach the whole Bible to an 8th grade class I knew this was a sign from God that this was my chance to do what I love. Teaching the whole Bible in only a few short days is not easy, but the Bible Study that Tammy brought over to share with these beautiful kids was amazing. The kids listened well, they were eager to learn and were always quick to answer. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have taught these kids the whole Bible to see their faces at the end when I rewarded them for the excellent work in finishing the Bible Study. During this time, I learned more from these kids then anyone I have ever met. Their kind heart, sweet voices, and tenderness filled the classroom as they came to class ready to learn something new every day.
Claire Newton
Our Go Near mission trip benefitted greatly by using Tammy’s bible curriculum. Our volunteers ranged from middle school to older adult and everyone could have a meaningful role teaching in a variety of settings. I highly recommend mission trips using this comprehensive curriculum.
Go Near Missions
Our church family really benefitted from the “Teach the Whole Bible” books. We took casual videos of different teachers dressed up as their Bible character. The kids laughed and learned from the fun yet informative monologue videos! We used the book for our summer curriculum, and used the Bible facts in a game show competition each week.
One of our little boys was from an unchurched family. On our closing night challenge, that little boy got every Bible fact correct! What a blessing to have God’s Word written on these young hearts.
I enjoy these books because it gives the student a quick overview of the timeline of how all the Bible stories fit together. Crafts, illustrations, and supplemental stories are fun, but often stretch out curriculum so long that the kids never understand how the Bible timeline fits together. This book gives a concise overview of God’s big story.
God’s Word is the only absolute truth the next generation has upon which to base their life choices. Thank you for giving us this wonderful tool to help kids know their Bible!
Kathy Ash
My name is Ashley Shipley and I have used Learn the Bible ASAP for two years in my 5th grade bible class at Faith Academy Christian School. I love the curriculum! I have found it to be very easy to go through with almost any age. It presents a birds eye view of the entire Bible which allows the students to see the big picture of the story of God and his people throughout the ages. I highly recommend this for anyone who would like see how the puzzle pieces fit together in the inspired word of God!
Ashley Shipley
My Grand children range n age from 9 to 17, and it was applicable for all ages. As my grand children and I went thru the book, it was a fun, learning, and bonding experience for us all. It led to many good discussions and I was amazed how easily they were able to learn from the curriculum. I even taught it to them in the car while we waited in line at the drive in window! It made learning the Bible easy and fun, and it tells the stories in Biblical order, which was extremely helpful to us all and made learning even easier. If you are considering this book, I would whole heartedly recommend it.
Donita Davis